Sunday, 31 July 2016

Cast of Thousands: names in search of script

Cast for forthcoming radio productions

Jason and Grayson Bagpipes
Phineas (Lord) Wasp
Vortigen Goose
Grace Bits
Fog Chalice (Band)
Duplicitous Ninja (Band)
Crass Marraccas (Band)
Mike Trellis
Caroline Whinsome
Potsy Plankton and the Glib Disraelis
Clarkey Frascati and Pendulum Davis
Lord Concupiscence and his orchestra
Sandra Bonus
Panties McNulty
Pakistani Dave
Bronwyn Trollope
Khaksmith and the Level Bests
Mr (Pennistone) and Mrs (Gladwys) Quo Vadis
Arthur and Barry Pans
Fisherman’s Relish (Band)