earning to sing the Song of Myself...
We've got to fight these f***ing people... |
'We're living in extreme times and if you listened to modern rock music you wouldn't know that, ' says Gillespie. ' I just think it's odd there's no protest, resistance or critique of what's going down. It's like people are tranquilised. All the rights people had fought for - people like trade unionists, anarchists, artists - are being clawed back by extremists. These people [in charge] aren't rational thinkers. Someone like Boris Johnson hides behind that bumbling public schoolboy image but he's a sinister right-wing c*** trying to bring in anti-strike legislation....we've got to fight these f***ing people!'
Bobby Gillespie, Primal Scream 'forthright frontman', talking to Tim Jonze in G2 15.03.13
People just get tired, Bobby...
'I once wrote these lines in a little poem (just went to look for it in a collection of
yellowing papers - my writing scrapbook) - a long time ago when I taught in High
'Children's voices, 'Help me, help me!'/ Spirits, demons
prowl my sleep/Dead men whisper dead words over/Hell hounds crying from the
'Blimey. Must have been going under then...'
'I am keen to swim in
shallower waters these days. I decided some time ago:
'I am not Prince
Hamlet, nor was meant to be;/Am an attendant lord, one that will do/ To swell a
progress, start a scene or two...''
Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock. TS Eliot (1917)
'I remember during a long, jolly
chat about British situation comedies, after a rather seriously political and
philosophical research group meeting, Claire, a fellow student of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), leaned over, laughing, and confided, 'You know, Pete, you
have hidden shallows...'
She's right, of course: I learnt to play the scholar, intellectual under-labourer, committed
political activist, and even managed to convince myself I had become a 'man of gravitas'.
But I am very HAPPY now to splash around in the shallows...'
from an email I sent earlier this evening